What Types of Strategy Games Can You Play With Your Son Or Daughter
Family Playing Video Strategy Games

Family Fun With Video Strategy Games

Playing games with the whole family requires finding something that is enjoyable for all age groups. Parents often wonder about the games their children are likely to enjoy playing during family time. Strategy games are an excellent choice to play with a son or daughter because it requires working out a plan and exercises the mind while also providing an enjoyable activity that even children will find fun. Here are a few ideas of strategy game categories that you might like to try.

War Board Games:

War board games are among the classic strategy games the family and friends are able to enjoy. This type of game often requires capturing castles or countries by slowly spreading out an army and fighting when the two sides clash. In most cases, the board games require working out a plan of attack against the other side and can allow two or more players. Some games allow up to six players, depending on the specific game and the number of characters or countries.

War board games are only one type of strategy game the family is likely to enjoy. It is ideal for parents who have younger children or who want more involvement from the whole family.

War Video Games:

War video games range from fantasy story lines to modern warfare games for a mix of options that might appeal to different preferred game types among the children. Parents can select a game that they feel is appropriate for their child’s age group, so the games can have an age appropriate level of violent images.

War video games can have strategies for taking over a castle, beating an enemy or conquering new lands. This type of game might have the family work together or might have the players try to beat each other, depending on the specific game format.

Game for Building:

Games that involve building, whether it is a board game or a video game, is a different type of strategy game. The goal of this type of game is getting a project completed within the given time frame and working around obstacles as they arise. Building games are ideal for parents who are not comfortable with their children playing war games or seeing violence while playing the game.

Strategy games come in a wide range of options for parents to select from. Games can range from the classic options like Risk to the most updated version of Modern Warfare and anything in between. Only a parent can determine which games are appropriate for their child’s age group, but playing with the children can make the game more enjoyable and provide family fun.