Girls are often left behind when it comes to playing computer or online strategy games. Many games are more appealing to boys than to girls, and as a result computer gaming is considered a stereotypically male activity. Although there are some girl gamers who enjoy defying gender roles by playing male-oriented games, marketing games exclusively to boys and these types of girls is not a good strategy. Game designers must create games for both girls and boys, as an interest in computer games often translates to an understanding of how to use technology later in life.

Many games combine role-playing with strategy. This type of game is of interest to both girls and boys; however, if you want your strategy game to appeal to girls, you must tailor role-playing elements to their interests. Girls often won’t play games where the only avatars are male. If you add some female characters for girls to play, they’re much more likely to be interested. Another option is to include non-human characters that can’t readily be identified as male or female. For example, girls may enjoy playing games where the avatars are mice, cats or other animals.

Girls Playing Strategy Games

Girls Playing Strategy Games

Girls also like to play games that allow them to relate to the characters. If a strategy game is focused mainly on being violent, such as games that require the player to find ways to kill other characters, girls won’t be as interested as boys. This doesn’t mean that games must be violence-free to appeal to girls, however; the important thing is that the girls can relate to the characters. For example, a role-playing game may include having to develop a strategy to get around an enemy. If the characters are shown as reluctant to kill but willing to do so if it’s the only way to get around the enemy, girls will still be interested in this kind of game because they can relate to the character’s dilemma.

Finally, girls prefer games where the characters interact with one another. Some games don’t allow for much social interaction; other characters generally don’t talk to your character unless it’s required to solve some problem within the game. Girls prefer games where their characters can interact with other characters on a regular basis.